Rupert: Meditation

Come Back To Yourself

50 minutes

"In this meditation we investigate ourself, the element of experience that is always present, and allow the objective elements of experience to fade into the background. We rest our attention in this ever-present 'I'." 

From the seven day retreat at Buckland Hall, winter 2018.

Consider the possibility...


... that the experience of beauty is an

intervention of reality into our normal

dualistic way of perceiving the world.


Consider the possibility that what is traditionally referred to as God – that is infinite self-aware Being – shines in each of our minds as the knowledge I; and permeates each of our bodies as the feeling of being; but is not limited to our minds or our bodies, just as space fills and permeates this room but is not limited is not confined in or limited by this room.


Just as, relatively speaking, there is a single unlimited and indivisible space in the universe that permeates all buildings, but is not divided by them or limited to them.


Consider the possibility that there is in reality a single infinite and indivisible Being from which all selves borrow their am-ness and all things borrow their is-ness.


Consider the possibility that when you look out across them – fields, here and you – feel the beauty of the landscape but what you are really feeling is your shared essence.


In other words consider the possibility that the experience of beauty is the recognition that we share our being with the object or the landscape.


In other words consider the possibility that the experience of beauty is an intervention of reality into our normal dualistic way of perceiving the world.


But it is what Cezanne  calls "a taste of nature's eternity." A taste of what is eternally true or eternally real in nature.


And consider that possibility that when we meet each other this week in love and in friendship that what we are really experiencing in that love in that friendship is our shared Being.


Be open to the possibility that the knowing of our own being as it is, is not only the direct path to peace and happiness within any individual but is also the foundation for any loving or harmonious relationship. Be that relationship between individuals communities or nations; and must also be – this knowing of our own being – must also be the foundation of our relationship with the earth.

Thank you...